Reiki (ray-key) is an ancient Japanese healing art that has been utilized for thousands of years. Reiki energizes and corrects imbalances in our energy bodies by connecting with and utilizing the Universal Life Force energy. This energy flows through all living things. This is done through the use of hand positions along with Reiki symbols by a Reiki Practitioner. When the human organism is in optimal health this energy flows freely. When the energy system frequency is altered due to blockage, outside influences, or internal stimulus a person will demonstrate symptoms. These "symptoms" may become mild or severe and often manifest as acute or chronic illness, medical conditions, pain, fatigue, emotional and spiritual imbalances or even interpersonal relationship problems.
During a Reiki treatment the client is either sitting or lying down on a comfortable massage table. The client remains fully clothed and no physical body manipulation is performed by the Reiki practitioner. The Reiki practitioner will place their hands gently on or slightly above the body in various areas where we detect an imbalance in the Chakra energy.
Additional services are also available: Psychic reading, Spiritual home smudging for property, person, Reiki for your pets and smudging on vehicles.
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